Edu Academic INC provides Travel Grants to its Life Members for attending Research Conferences outside their country, covering up to 90% of the expenses. This grant is intended to support research and development in technical education by providing opportunities for outstanding Edu Academic members to engage at an international level. To be eligible, applicants must be Extended Members or Lifetime Members of Edu Academic under any of the categories. Chapter Members are advised to contact their chapter heads before submitting the online form. Financial assistance is available only to those who have not received travel grants (in whole or in part) during the last three years for attending any conference, seminar or symposium held abroad. The grant covers up to 90% of the travel expenses (days of conference plus two more days for travel) on a reimbursement basis. Members must travel by the shortest route under Economy Excursion class in any airline that is cheapest. The amount sanctioned will be reimbursed by crossed cheque/draft on receipt of a pre-stamped receipt and certificate, statement of expenditure, copies of air tickets, travel documents, a brief report of the conference, and other scientific and technical activities, and other visits undertaken during that period duly signed by the head of the applicant’s organization or institute.
Proposal Submission must be 3 Months prior to the Conference or event.
Applicant will be charged GBP 5 at the Submission which will be the fees for the evaluation of Grant Form. This avoids the spam applicants and ineligible applicants strictly. This fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
To receive a travel grant the recipient must:
- To be eligible for the Edu Academic travel grant, the applicant must be a member or have applied for Edu Academic Life Membership prior to submitting the application.
- They must also be the author or co-author of an accepted paper in the conference and must have contributed at least 50% to the research presented. Additionally, they must attend the conference to present the paper and have a No-Objection Certificate from their full-time employer or educational institution.
- Proposals should be submitted to the Council at least four months prior to the conference dates and grants will be used to cover travel expenses for the conference and two additional days for travel. Grants cannot be used for travel to any other conferences.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered, and applications must include a copy of the seminar announcement and confirmation of paper presentation or session chairing.
- Tickets must be booked exactly 90 days in advance and not more than 120 days in advance.
- Submitting an application does not guarantee approval, and Edu Academic will not take responsibility for any losses incurred without the council’s approval. Scholars without published papers in refereed journals may not be considered for the grant, and clearance is required from conference organizers for speakers and session chairs.